Restorative dentistry services from Lovett Dental Baytown ensure you have access to the very best solutions for improving your smile. At our Baytown, Texas location, we provide comprehensive restorative dentistry services to help you replace missing teeth or otherwise get the dental restoration you need to gain confidence and dental health. Our professionals are available to help you with all of your needs.
What Type of Restorative Dentistry Services Are Right for You?
Our restorative dentistry team works closely with you to understand what your dental health needs are. This type of service is meant to restore your smile by replacing missing teeth. This helps to improve the look and function of your smile. At Lovett Dental Baytown, we provide a range of dental restoration services such as:
- Dental Crowns: Crowns that function just like the teeth in your mouth. New technology ensures they look just like natural teeth as well. Crowns can be fitted over damaged teeth or those that are no longer in good condition. This transforms your smile and improves your ability to chew and speak.
- Dental Implants: For most people, implants are the best option overall for improving your dental health when you have one or more missing teeth. Implants are surgically implanted into the jawbone. That anchor, along with a crown on top, creates a strong tooth that completely replaces those missing. Implants are a long-term solution, often lasting for decades with good care.
- Dental Bridges: Bridges connect one tooth to another over a gap left from a missing tooth. If you’ve had a tooth pulled, it’s important to fill in that gap or have bridges placed to keep other teeth from crowding into the remaining opening. Bridges look natural and can help to restore your smile as well.
- Dental Veneers: Veneers are an excellent way to improve the appearance of your teeth by creating a new look for them. These thin films are placed over the top of the teeth to create a like-new look while still keeping your existing teeth in place. They are long-lasting and can look very natural.
- Dentures: For those with numerous teeth that need to be replaced, dentures can be a good solution. There are various options available to you, including those that use implants to hold the dentures in place. Dentures are often beneficial when you need to replace several teeth and want a long-lasting solution.
We encourage you to learn more about each of these dental restoration services. Our team of dental experts is eager to help you get the smile you desire.
Why Should You Invest in Restorative Dentistry Services?
There are many benefits to using our dental restoration services. At the heart of the process is improving the way your mouth functions. When you have the proper number and positioned teeth, you can chew better. This can improve digestion and nutrient intake. It can also help to minimize decay and damage from open spaces. The proper tooth alignment also helps with your ability to speak clearly. For many people, our restorative dentistry services are critical for improving your ability to smile with confidence. For any of these reasons, it is best to turn to our team to learn how we can give you the smile you desire. Our restorative dentistry services are just a call away.
Call Lovett Dental Baytown to Improve Your Smile
You can smile with confidence when you use our restorative dentistry services. At Lovett Dental Baytown, our dental restoration can help you have the confidence you desire. Reach out to our restorative dentistry service today to learn more about how we can help you. Contact us at 281-838-8400 or reach out to us online to learn how we can help you.